Welcome to AMICS 2023!
The 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Computing Sciences (AMICS 2023) will be held online (conference website) from December 20-21, 2023. This conference will focus on Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Computing Sciences and related fields. It aims to provide a platform for experts, scholars and businessmen at home and abroad to communicate face to face and explore chances for possible cooperation. The plenary session of AMICS 2023 will include Keynote Speeches, Invited Speeches, Poster Presentations and Oral Presentations.
AMICS 2023 welcomes original and unpublished submissions for publication or presentation. Abstract submission is for presentation only or register for participation as a listener. On behalf of the organizing committee, we sincerely invite you to attend this event to share your latest research results and experiences in related research fields.
Important Dates
Third Round of Submission Deadline:
10 December, 2023
Countdown 0 Days Left
Files Download
1. Conference Program
2. Abstract Template
3. Full Paper Template
(for FAIA Conference Proceedings)
4. PPT Sample
5. Poster Template
Publication Guideline
Selected full papers based on scope and peer review results will get published in international Journals. Some of the journals are listed as below:

AMICS 2022 has concluded successfully Online via Microsoft Teams on December 5-7, 2022. [December 5-7, 2022]